Life Is A Garden. What Seeds Are You Planting?


Happy New Year! 2022 is going to be good to you! As you start a new year, reflect on the following quote: “Your life is your garden. Your thoughts are your seeds. If your life isn’t what it should be, you are watering the weeds.”—Unknown

Using a garden as a metaphor for life, think about the seeds (thoughts) you are allowing to create your reality. When you plant good seeds, you produce a beautiful garden. Have the courage to pluck out the weeds (negative people). Weeds soak up vital nutrients that plants need to fully grow. 

Make sure you get the right fertilizer (information). Information leads you to solutions to your problems and answers to life’s toughest questions. Most importantly, make sure your garden gets water (God). Daily talk to Him and listen to His voice. He is like a spring or river that keeps wisdom flowing to your heart. Keep in mind that you will likely reap only the seeds you have sown, so when you plant love, it grows in your life. When you plant respect, joy, charity, peace, and other wonderful things that is what you can expect to enjoy later.

 Most plants need sunshine (good stimuli) so make sure you are mindful of what you’re watching and listening to. There are negative consequences to scattering spiritually and mentally destructive seeds in your garden that promote violence, sexual perversion, drug and/or alcohol abuse… If you plant negativity in your mind, nothing good can germinate. The good news is that you control and determine your own thoughts. You possess the power to select what ideas to keep and meditate on. You won’t lose a limb, go blind, or die if you don’t feed your mind with things that don’t uplift and encourage you. 

Choose to plant positive seeds and you will rejoice when harvest-time comes. Life is a garden so tenderly tend to it with the right tools and especially care.


With Love, 

C. Chérie Hardy


Copyright © 2022 by C. Chérie Hardy

Photo: Collins Dictionary 


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