Understanding Your True Worth Leads to A Life of Self-Actualization


    You might have heard of a true story in the news about a person who purchased a bowl at an estate sale for $3.00 only to find out later that the item was actually worth millions of dollars. As an educator, I often used this story as an anecdote to illustrate a point about what happens when people don’t know their worth. I would ask my students why would somebody sell a million-dollar bowl for a few bucks? It’s because he didn’t know its worth. This is the same way people treat themselves and others when they don’t understand they are priceless gems designed by our loving Creator.

    When you don't know your worth, you will allow yourself to live as a victim to bad people and optional, negative circumstances. The first step to living victoriously involves making a connection with the Creator, the one who made everything, including you. To Him, you are just as important as the sun. Because He is love, you are too; Because He is good, you inherit goodness. As His son or daughter, you deserve respect, honor, and dignity regardless of how you look, your socioeconomic status, educational level, race, etc. While you come through people (your mother and father), you come from God. It is only when your self-image is aligned with how He made you can you fulfill your greatest potential, be happy, and experience preternatural love.

    Keep in mind that real treasures must be protected and maintained. Therefore, make sure you are doing all you can to take care of every dimension of your life. While this takes time and effort, you are worth it. Invest in things that nurture your mind, body, and spirit to experience your own value on the highest level; regularly engage in practices that make you feel stronger and wiser. So often, people feel bad because they do destructive things. To cope, they create a vicious cycle of self-sabotage. The good news is that your life can be transformed with the Creator’s help. He is the one who made you; He knows how to repair your brokenness. 

    If you are struggling with this, ask our divine Creator to help you. He is your Heavenly Father, and you are His beloved child. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you. Your connection with Him keeps you empowered to be light in the world. Ultimately, this leads to self-actualization and the fulfillment of your divine purpose.

    Listen to this inspirational podcast: https://anchor.fm/cherie-hardy/episodes/Understanding-Your-True-Worth-Leads-to-A-Life-of-Self-Actualization-e1c7mq0

With Love,

C. Chérie Hardy

Copyright © 2021 by C. Chérie Hardy



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