Is It Time To Close A Door?


“Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity, or

 arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.”

—Paulo Coelho

    It's hard, but sometimes you need to close a door. It's not about unforgiveness, bitterness, or hating others. On the contrary, it might be a necessary action for honoring and loving yourself. 

      You can love people who don't know how to love you. When you gently close the door, let them know that. Let them know you are giving them the space and time they need to learn and grow. Communicate to people that you forgive them, but also let them know that you cannot allow yourself to be an available target for their toxicity. 

    Always pray for people, even your enemies; hope the best for them. At the same time, decide not to be anyone's punching bag or doormat. When you close the door to negative people, you open yourself to a life of peace, productivity, and power. 

With Love, 

C. Chérie Hardy


Copyright © 2021 by C. Chérie Hardy


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