It Is Still A Beautiful World
"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world" is a line taken from one of my favorite poems, Desiderata . It was written in 1927 by a lawyer, businessman, and poet named Max Ehrmann (1872-1945). This beautiful literary work is filled with the timeless wisdom you need to achieve greatness. It gives me pleasure to share it with you now because "Bad Thought Therapy" strives to help you discover the silver lining behind life's dark clouds. What we become, say, and do begins with what is in our heads. The good news is that we have the power to control which thoughts dominate our minds and which ones to listen to and follow. Therefore, it is critical to "think" about the message we can salvage from a "mess"; the opportunities in the obstacles; the treasures in the trouble; and the purpose in the pain. Each human being is born with the valuable gift and superpower of choice . It is up to an ind...