
Showing posts from March, 2023

Mistakes Don't Define You!

       What do you do when you have made a mistake? First, you must understand that because human beings are not perfect, they will “err”. Imperfection will inevitably lead us to not  doing the best that we should (sometimes). However, we should not let our faults and mistakes become tickets to mediocrity or worse, apathy; we should learn that mistakes can actually help us become better people; they can become great stepping- stones if we choose not to allow them to become stumbling blocks.  Here are some suggestions for dealing with mistakes.   1.                Acknowledge your mistake and decide you will not make it again . Take some time to figure out what led you to do whatever you did. Resolve not to be around people and/or environments that encourage you not to be your best. People are like elevators; they can take you up or down. 2.           Move forward.  Making a...